Friday, January 14, 2011

Journal Entries - Español I - 1/13/11

Here are the journal entries I have selected for comments from January 13th, ¿Cómo es tú casa? Remember to address each person individually in your comment to receive bonus.


  1. chyenne garner
    AJ 6th did very good i think it was a little short but for a leaner you are doing very good

  2. chyenne garner

    montrell 2nd

    i think you can use a little help on soome words but really you are doing very well

  3. chyenne garner

    madison 7th

    you did very good but on one word but of over all you did very good

  4. chyenne garner

    austin 8th

    you did good but on some words it needs to be worked on and aslo try to put your words togther

  5. This is Sterling Dunham.

    Montrell, I don't have much to comment about for yours. Just make sure you say everything clearly.

    AJ, you sound great. I'm really one to talk, because I do it probably more than you, but try to not hesitate when speaking.

    Madison, one thing I noticed is that you made the "z" sound in azul instead of the "s" sound.

    Austin, I think you also did a good job. Did we learn some those words? I know them by the roots of the words, but I don't recall seeing them in class.
