Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Join us on Facebook!

Become a fan of Nettleton High Spanish on facebook and receive a bonus peso! If you become a fan you not only receive bonus but will be kept up to date on important information and events occurring in class!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our Pen-Pals

Click on the following link and take a look at where our Spanish pen-pals go to school. Then answer the following questions in Spanish.

1. ¿Cómo es la escuela similar a nuestra escuela?
2. ¿Cómo es la escuela diferente de nuestra escuela?
3. ¿Puede ver los estudiantes? ¿Qué están haciendo?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Español I - Diarios - 1/24/11 - "Tu Casa Ideal"

Here are the journals. Remember, you have to comment on each one to get the bonus!

Sorry 8th - no one called it in!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Español II - Diarios: 1/18/11 "En Una Isla"

Make sure you comment on both people with helpful tips to improve their Spanish in order to receive bonus.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Un Comercial de Burger King - en Español

Watch the advertisement below. Try to decide what they are saying and what the commercial is about. There is a summary in Spanish about the commercial and what they are saying to help you. Then answer the questions in Spanish.

–¿Me das de tu helado?
–Pide el tuyo.

En este comercial de Burger King, el Dr. Wagner se encuentra con la huesuda comiendo en uno de los restaurantes de la cadena de hamburguesas Burger King. El luchador le pide que La Parka le regale un poco del helado que está comiendo y éste se niega, haciendo que durante una lucha se desquite con él.

El anuncio promociona un paquete de hamburguesa, papas y refresco que te regala un helado gratis para que todos queden contentos y no tenga que pasar lo que vemos en el video. “Helado gratis y todos contentos”.


  • la huesuda – the bony one (in this case, referring to La Parka)
  • el luchador – the wrestler
  • desquitarse – to get even
  • hamburguesa, papas y refresco – hamburger, fries and soda
  • Helado gratis y todos contentos – Free ice cream and everyone happy


    1. ¿De qué es el anuncio? 
    2. ¿Quién son los actores en el comercial? 
    3. ¿En este anuncio, ¿cuánto cuesta el paquete de hamburguesa, papas y refresco?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Journal Entries - An Important Update

Ok, so... I've decided that I will only post a few journal entries from all of the classes each week and all students will comment on those entries whether they are in their class period or not. So, in order to receive bonus you must comment on all of the journals for your Spanish level. Remember they must be constructive and helpful in order to receive bonus. You can't just say "nice job." you have to actually give tips and pointers on ways to improve. Remember to address each student specifically in your comment.

Journal Entries - Español II - 1/13/11

Here are your classmates journal entries for January 13th, ¿Encontraste una persona en los vacaciónes? Remember to address both people in order to receive bonus.

Journal Entries - Español I - 1/13/11

Here are the journal entries I have selected for comments from January 13th, ¿Cómo es tú casa? Remember to address each person individually in your comment to receive bonus.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Listen to the NPR news cast about the origin and history of Flamenco music. Then answer the following questions:

1. What cultures influence Flamenco music?
2. What does the name Camarón de la Isla mean? And why was he named that?
3. What do you think of Flamenco music?

Thursday, January 6, 2011